Visit the Nova Scotia website linked above to explore various special occasion liquor permits. Each type of permit comes with a description, aiding you in selecting the one that best suits your event's needs.
Choosing the Right Permit
If you're hosting a private event on private property without any monetary transactions for alcohol, you do not require a special permit.
Private Events on Private Property
Regardless of your venue's existing liquor license, securing a special occasion liquor permit is mandatory for your event. This is crucial as it absolves the venue of any liquor-related liabilities.
Mandatory Special Occasion Permit
When you hire Hoppy Wheels' Tap Specialist to serve beverages, rest assured, we come with our own Liquor Liability Insurance. However, if you opt for a self-serve arrangement, it is your responsibility to secure Liquor Liability Insurance for your event.
Liquor Liability Insurance
Important Info
Do you make specialty cocktails?The premise of our business is to collaborate with locally crafted alcoholic vendors to serve their products at your event. Within our vendor list, we have a couple that make kegged cocktails. We want to make your celebratory event as affordable and efficient as possible. However, our vendor list can change on a regular basis so you can always ask us the question and we can give you the latest options.
Does your service have professional bartenders?Due to the uniqueness of our business, we are only Smart Serve Certified to ensure our clients and guests are drinking responsibly. Our drinks are mainly kegged beverages, and the bartending certification is not necessary.
What can you get in a keg?You can buy almost anything in a keg. Beer, cider, white/sparkling wine, and cocktails. Red wine needs to be served warm, which is why we only serve this in bottle form.
How far do you travel for your services?We can travel anywhere within Nova Scotia. However, we charge a $0.65/km travelling fee from and to headquarters for any events outside of HRM.
How do you keep the kegs cold?We have a fridge that can hold 12, 20L kegs that are chilled at 3-4 degrees °C. and we have an inverter generator (very quiet!) that can easily run the fridge, lighting, and any simple electrical needs for your event. We bring ice to ensure our water at the hydration station is cold, but we do not bring ice for the alcoholic drinks.
Can you do a cash bar?Due to the Nova Scotia Liquor Regulations for mobile services, a cash bar can be done with a ticket system. The client or a responsible person from the client’s circle must be handling the cash and the tickets. Guests will then come to the bar and give the ticket to get their drink. The client can set the price for the drinks as they please.
Do I need a special permit if we're on private property?If you're hosting a private event on private property without any monetary transactions for alcohol, you do not require a special permit.
Is Liquor Liability insurance covered?When you hire Hoppy Wheels' Tap Specialist to serve beverages, rest assured, we come with our own Liquor Liability Insurance. However, if you opt for a self-serve arrangement, it is your responsibility to secure Liquor Liability Insurance for your event.
Which type of permit do I need?Visit novascotia.ca to explore various special occasion liquor permits. Each type of permit comes with a description, aiding you in selecting the one that best suits your unique event's needs.
Is a Special Occasion Permit mandatory?Regardless of your venue's existing liquor license, securing a special occasion liquor permit is mandatory for your event. This is crucial as it absolves the venue of any liquor-related liabilities.